Monday, October 11, 2010

Team Kenya 2010 Returns Home

Wow! If God is the god of "more than enough" then we experienced God on our Kenya trip. Everything that we had purposed to do, God did more. Much more!
  • The airline allowed us to take "more" luggage (filled with supplies, medicines, and gifts) than we should have been allowed, at no extra charge.
  • We were permitted to teach and minister to "more" students and/or orphans than we had could have imangined.
  • Our construction fund bought "more" construction materials and hired more laborers than it should have.
  • Our construction team built "more" building than they hoped for.
  • We were able to meet and encourage "more" pastors than expected.
  • We visited "more" cities and made "more" connections for the pastor's network than we hoped for.
  • We saw the Lord perform "more" miracles of salvation, healing, reconciliation etc. than we had prayed for.
  • And our Kenyan hosts and their churches were much "more" gracious and "more" kind to us than we deserve.
Let's hear it for the God who is "more" than enough! For several years now, some of my friends have spoken of knowing Jesus as "El Shaddai", and not just "Jehovah Jireh". By this I mean that it is better to see God as the One Who is "More than Enough" (El Shaddai) rather than the "One Who is Just Enough" (Jehovah Jireh).

Gen. 35:11 Then God said, “I am El–Shaddai—‘God Almighty.’ Be fruitful and multiply. You will become a great nation, even many nations. Kings will be among your descendants!

When I see God as simply my "Provider", I see Jesus meeting my needs, which is nice however, there is never a surplus! Aye? What if God wants to take us beyond "just enough" into "more than enough"? What if your "needs" were met and there is still "more" - to meet someone else's need?

In the Kingdom of God there is no lack, when God opens heaven and blesses me, there is still enough to bless someone else. When God blesses, He also multiplies. When God blesses you He does not take away from someone else. Remember what Jesus did at the Cross, one drop of His blood would have changed the world yet - He gave ALL!

Jesus is "El Shaddai" the God of "More than enough". I've seen this firsthand again on this recent trip. No matter how deep your need is or how large a country's needs are, Jesus is always "more than enough". Go on, test Him and see that there is always "More". Awesome!

Rich Cline