Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kingdom Influence

What is influence? More specificly, what is Kingdom influence? In the Gospels we read that as Jesus' fame spread, multitudes were "moved" by His gracious words and His wonder-filled deeds. Is this Kingdom Influence, crowds or fame?

And again He said, “To what shall I liken the kingdom of God? It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.” Luke 13:20,21

It's just like Jesus to take a common chore and teach profound truth, like making bread. It's also like Him to take a social norm and redeem it, like say "leaven". Leaven was used in the Old Covenant as a type of sin (What wasn't used as a sin illustrator in the Old Covenant?) The idea was that leaven, a type of yeast introduced into a grain type of dough, would soon "puff up" twice its size. The point would be: This is what sin will do to you, so avoid sin at all costs!

In this parable Jesus redeems and updates the image of leaven. In the process He taught us something about influence - Kingdom Influence. Consider this:

  • God takes sinful - unhealthy people, He removes their sin and He makes them whole.
  • He takes this same group of people and He fills them with purpose and destiny. He reintroduces them to the places and stations in life where He found them.
  • They are plumbers, politicians, single moms , etc changed by a "touch" from the King. They now represent Jesus and His values, for His Kingdom is within their hearts.
  • These precious people, sinful - yet cleansed, healed and changed are placed alongside others needing their "leaven". They are not there to tell a story so much as to live a life.
  • As this army of ordinary yet profoundly new people, live out their lives, the world is transformed. Little by little, like "planting a seed" and watching it grow, it takes time!
So, Kingdom Influence is about more than winning elections or winning in the arena of public discourse, its about "Culture". The culture of any people group or organiziation is created primarily by leadership. Jesus wasn't looking for a crowd, approval, or verification when He taught, healed or loved - He was establishing His Kingdom's Culture. Transforming a city is one thing, but upgrading the "culture" with a new social norm - that's Influence. Kingdom Influence!


  1. Amen and amen! Thanks, Rich for the great challenge and encouragement.

  2. Kingdom Blessings and Influence to you!
