Monday, October 11, 2010

Team Kenya 2010 Returns Home

Wow! If God is the god of "more than enough" then we experienced God on our Kenya trip. Everything that we had purposed to do, God did more. Much more!
  • The airline allowed us to take "more" luggage (filled with supplies, medicines, and gifts) than we should have been allowed, at no extra charge.
  • We were permitted to teach and minister to "more" students and/or orphans than we had could have imangined.
  • Our construction fund bought "more" construction materials and hired more laborers than it should have.
  • Our construction team built "more" building than they hoped for.
  • We were able to meet and encourage "more" pastors than expected.
  • We visited "more" cities and made "more" connections for the pastor's network than we hoped for.
  • We saw the Lord perform "more" miracles of salvation, healing, reconciliation etc. than we had prayed for.
  • And our Kenyan hosts and their churches were much "more" gracious and "more" kind to us than we deserve.
Let's hear it for the God who is "more" than enough! For several years now, some of my friends have spoken of knowing Jesus as "El Shaddai", and not just "Jehovah Jireh". By this I mean that it is better to see God as the One Who is "More than Enough" (El Shaddai) rather than the "One Who is Just Enough" (Jehovah Jireh).

Gen. 35:11 Then God said, “I am El–Shaddai—‘God Almighty.’ Be fruitful and multiply. You will become a great nation, even many nations. Kings will be among your descendants!

When I see God as simply my "Provider", I see Jesus meeting my needs, which is nice however, there is never a surplus! Aye? What if God wants to take us beyond "just enough" into "more than enough"? What if your "needs" were met and there is still "more" - to meet someone else's need?

In the Kingdom of God there is no lack, when God opens heaven and blesses me, there is still enough to bless someone else. When God blesses, He also multiplies. When God blesses you He does not take away from someone else. Remember what Jesus did at the Cross, one drop of His blood would have changed the world yet - He gave ALL!

Jesus is "El Shaddai" the God of "More than enough". I've seen this firsthand again on this recent trip. No matter how deep your need is or how large a country's needs are, Jesus is always "more than enough". Go on, test Him and see that there is always "More". Awesome!

Rich Cline

Friday, September 3, 2010

Team Kenya 2010

Cornerstone Fellowship will be extending the Kingdom in Nairobi, Kenya!
Our team will be leaving Washington DC Sept. 12th and returning Sept. 26th. Our mission will include the following:
  • Ministry at a Pastor's Conference
  • Evangelistic Crusades
  • Local Church Ministry
  • Children's Medical Outreach
  • Woman's Medical Outreach
  • MicroFinance Training
  • A Church Building Project
Watch for further Blogs from and after the trip. Please consider praying for us during the trip and ministry time. If you would like to invest in this expansion of the Kingdom use the DONATE key on our website at

Just a parting thought:

For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory. NLT 2 Cor. 1:20

Holy Scripture is "truth" from another realm. In God's world every promise works every time! Because God has said "Yes" through Christ! We on earth are learning to respond with our "Amen". When we pray, "Your Kingdom come... on earth, as in Heaven" we are adding our "Amen" to God's "Yes".

I tell you today, that whatever promise you are holding unto, in God's world the answer is "Yes" and Heaven is waiting for your "Amen". Go on, have a go at it; and you will be bringing glory back to God!

Rich Cline

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kingdom Influence

What is influence? More specificly, what is Kingdom influence? In the Gospels we read that as Jesus' fame spread, multitudes were "moved" by His gracious words and His wonder-filled deeds. Is this Kingdom Influence, crowds or fame?

And again He said, “To what shall I liken the kingdom of God? It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.” Luke 13:20,21

It's just like Jesus to take a common chore and teach profound truth, like making bread. It's also like Him to take a social norm and redeem it, like say "leaven". Leaven was used in the Old Covenant as a type of sin (What wasn't used as a sin illustrator in the Old Covenant?) The idea was that leaven, a type of yeast introduced into a grain type of dough, would soon "puff up" twice its size. The point would be: This is what sin will do to you, so avoid sin at all costs!

In this parable Jesus redeems and updates the image of leaven. In the process He taught us something about influence - Kingdom Influence. Consider this:

  • God takes sinful - unhealthy people, He removes their sin and He makes them whole.
  • He takes this same group of people and He fills them with purpose and destiny. He reintroduces them to the places and stations in life where He found them.
  • They are plumbers, politicians, single moms , etc changed by a "touch" from the King. They now represent Jesus and His values, for His Kingdom is within their hearts.
  • These precious people, sinful - yet cleansed, healed and changed are placed alongside others needing their "leaven". They are not there to tell a story so much as to live a life.
  • As this army of ordinary yet profoundly new people, live out their lives, the world is transformed. Little by little, like "planting a seed" and watching it grow, it takes time!
So, Kingdom Influence is about more than winning elections or winning in the arena of public discourse, its about "Culture". The culture of any people group or organiziation is created primarily by leadership. Jesus wasn't looking for a crowd, approval, or verification when He taught, healed or loved - He was establishing His Kingdom's Culture. Transforming a city is one thing, but upgrading the "culture" with a new social norm - that's Influence. Kingdom Influence!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Invested in the Kingdom

I have this re-occuring thought - "Do I want to be only 10% invested in the Kingdom of God?"Over the years I have practiced and taught the Biblical principle of tithing. Naturally there are many objections to systematic giving; some understandable, many are based in fear. Some people resort to arguments based solely on their understanding and/or mis-understandings of Old Testament practices. Today, most of the people that I love and serve are very generous supporters of local and global Kingdom projects. I ask the Lord to bless everyone of them, and yet neither tithing nor generosity is the basis for my post.

My post, this re-occuring thought, is an honest spiritual quest. The basis of this thought is: In uncertain economic times, such as the ones we are facing in the much of the world, do I really want to invest 90% of my assets in this economy. It would seem that the only certain thing disciples can do is convert their earnings into "Kingdom Economy". Consider this quote from Jesus:

... “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”

Jesus has clearly stated that there are two economies, and we can invest in either. One economy is sourced in this world, and is bound by the market and global forces of the natural order. The other economy is based on a spiritual realm (the Kingdom of God) and is governed by the values and forces of the heavenly system. If my "thought" is correct here are some implications:

  • The value of money in the earthly natural system is determined by common agreement. Common agreement may change with the whims of the people in that system. For example a dollar is worth a dollar because we agree that its a dollar. Yet there is no gold standard for that dollar, just agreement. Agreements can and may change.
  • The value of the Kingdom is not based on money but worth. Jesus shows us clearly what He values and what He honors. (See the Sermon on the Mount - Matt. 5-7) In the Kingdom, Jesus' value system never changes. For example people, love, humility, and honor are always valued in the Kingdom and that value will never change.
  • We can never take value or wealth from the Kingdom of God, because it is based on the unimaginable glory, honor, and wealth of Jesus Christ's gift to humanity - Himself!
  • We can "shelter" money from this world system by investing it in the Kingdom of God. Unrighteous filthy dollars can be exchanged (or rather invested) into the Kingdom of God by placing it into the hands of those who are advancing the Kingdom in any faithful capacity. Dollars earned in America can purchase life saving medicines for people ministering among the peoples of Kenya for example. That money now has yielded Kingdom advancement and has been added to your heavenly rewards account. This hidden reward will one day be declared in Heaven!
This leads me back to my initial "thought", Do I want to be only invested 10% in the Kingdom of God? In this economy? I don't think so, what do you think?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Kingdom Values

"A disciple of Jesus Christ cannot be trusted with full Kingdom riches until he carries full Kingdom values!" -PR

This blog is about the relevance of the Kingdom of God, as Jesus presented it. I will attempt to relate Biblical discipleship in the context of a modern Western culture. I believe that Jesus proclaimed one message, the message of the Kingdom of God and how the Kingdom changes the culture.

In this first blog I would like to relate the importance of building Kingdom values into Kingdom advancement. I will assume that those reading this blog are familiar with the finished work of Jesus Christ in His death and resurrection. (If not see John 3:16) Next I would like to assume that you understand the "Great Commission" of Jesus Christ found in Matt. 28:19, 20.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen."

With these assumptions let me turn to the point of this post, which is this... as the disciple goes to make other disciples, we must carry more than a message! The message or "gospel" of Jesus Christ is the most revolutionary message in all of human history but, Jesus also said, "I will be with you". We carry more than a message of the Kingdom, we also carry the King! When we "go" and make disciples, the King of Disciple-Makers goes with us, so it stands to reason that we must carry His Values too!

We cannot impact our culture with the message of the Kingdom with a message alone, we must also carry the King with us! Additionally, we must marry the message of Christ to the Values of Christ! Values like: love, forgiveness, humility, honor, the values of "brokenness", and purity etc. This marriage always does more than impact culture, it changes the culture! And that's "Kingdom"!

That's what I believe, how about you?