Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Invested in the Kingdom

I have this re-occuring thought - "Do I want to be only 10% invested in the Kingdom of God?"Over the years I have practiced and taught the Biblical principle of tithing. Naturally there are many objections to systematic giving; some understandable, many are based in fear. Some people resort to arguments based solely on their understanding and/or mis-understandings of Old Testament practices. Today, most of the people that I love and serve are very generous supporters of local and global Kingdom projects. I ask the Lord to bless everyone of them, and yet neither tithing nor generosity is the basis for my post.

My post, this re-occuring thought, is an honest spiritual quest. The basis of this thought is: In uncertain economic times, such as the ones we are facing in the much of the world, do I really want to invest 90% of my assets in this economy. It would seem that the only certain thing disciples can do is convert their earnings into "Kingdom Economy". Consider this quote from Jesus:

... “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”

Jesus has clearly stated that there are two economies, and we can invest in either. One economy is sourced in this world, and is bound by the market and global forces of the natural order. The other economy is based on a spiritual realm (the Kingdom of God) and is governed by the values and forces of the heavenly system. If my "thought" is correct here are some implications:

  • The value of money in the earthly natural system is determined by common agreement. Common agreement may change with the whims of the people in that system. For example a dollar is worth a dollar because we agree that its a dollar. Yet there is no gold standard for that dollar, just agreement. Agreements can and may change.
  • The value of the Kingdom is not based on money but worth. Jesus shows us clearly what He values and what He honors. (See the Sermon on the Mount - Matt. 5-7) In the Kingdom, Jesus' value system never changes. For example people, love, humility, and honor are always valued in the Kingdom and that value will never change.
  • We can never take value or wealth from the Kingdom of God, because it is based on the unimaginable glory, honor, and wealth of Jesus Christ's gift to humanity - Himself!
  • We can "shelter" money from this world system by investing it in the Kingdom of God. Unrighteous filthy dollars can be exchanged (or rather invested) into the Kingdom of God by placing it into the hands of those who are advancing the Kingdom in any faithful capacity. Dollars earned in America can purchase life saving medicines for people ministering among the peoples of Kenya for example. That money now has yielded Kingdom advancement and has been added to your heavenly rewards account. This hidden reward will one day be declared in Heaven!
This leads me back to my initial "thought", Do I want to be only invested 10% in the Kingdom of God? In this economy? I don't think so, what do you think?


  1. Pastor Rich shared his thought of investing more in the Kingdom with me recently and it got me thinking about my father's garden. He retired this year and decided to start a garden this season. My father has been a faithful worker to one company for over 36 years and has been blessed with a pension. His retirement was carefully calculated and executed to his credit, the overtime, the hardships, the hard work on his part.

    I wanted to point out to him that though his standard of living will be nice for awhile, 25 years from now when his medical expenses increase, and inflation robs him of his standard of living, things will be different.

    We talked about the garden...I said, "Dad don't put your laurels in that money, you plant the biggest garden you can because THAT is something you can count on. God will ensure the sun and the rain to care for your food supply.

    I believe planting a garden is putting your faith and laurels in the Kingdom and ensuring that your family, neighbors, and deprived nations have a garden/food supply. Now that's seed worth investing in!

    Thank you Pastor for your Godly insight and helping us focus on Kingdom priorities. If the economy of the world continues to decline the demands on the church and God's people will exponentially increase. Let us invest wisely in the Kingdom now and ensure "there's enough oil for our lamps."

  2. Thanks for your comment! Let's keep the discussion rolling. You're right, the lamp will never run out until the Lord brings us into His glorious presence!
